An education blog is more than a platform to find written articles. It’s one of the greatest digital learning resources that can be integrated into schools’ teaching strategies. For school administrators, blogs can also be invaluable training for their leadership roles and their school’s success.
The growing incorporation of technology in both higher education and the K-12 education system speaks volumes about the importance of these new online tools. Educational blogs are some of these innovative tools.
Educational technology not only ensures continuous learning with remote schooling solutions, but it can also prepare students for a better educational experience with tons of helpful articles, tips, and resources.
Education blogs offer a wealth of insightful articles, education news, and practices to equip young students (and your staff and administrators) with the skills needed to succeed.
In this article, we’ll examine some of the best education blogs to help passionate students, innovative educators, and school administrators effectively use these online learning resources called blogs.

#1 NSPRA (National School Public Relations Association) Blog
Target audience: K-12 School Communications Administrators
NSPRA’s blog is a comprehensive resource that is directed primarily at K-12 school communications professionals. It covers most areas of school communications and public relations affecting U.S. schools, including crisis communication, media relations, branding, and marketing.
If you are an administrator whose responsibility for your school’s reputation and brand are part of your professional goals, the guidance here will provide many helpful tips.

#2 School Webmasters Blog
Target audience: school website managers and school administrators
Not to toot our own horn or anything, but The School Webmasters Blog has a wide array of topics to help schools improve their communications effectiveness. From building effective school websites and managing them effectively, including website design tips, content creation, building relations with parents, to marketing strategies and increasing enrollment. We have both a written blog (with pages broken down by topic for easy-to-find articles) as well as a podcast version if you’d prefer to get your encouragement and motivation that way (our podcast is listed on most podcast platforms and is called The School Communications Scoop.
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#3 SocialSchool4Edu
Target audience: school social media managers and administrators
While many of the blog articles here are regarding social media, she provides wise guidance to schools aiming to improve social media communications. As social media has become an important aspect of reaching our K-12 audiences, you’ll find many helpful articles to guide your efforts.

#4 Class Intercom
Target audience: school teachers and school administrators
I’ve included this company’s blog here because I think it is a good example of student-generated content. But they also include blogs for administrators, digital citizenship, and community building (topics that are always helpful to understand). This site might be a springboard for some good blog topics for your school’s communications efforts, particularly those by students.

#5 SchoolStatus
Target audience: school communications and attendance managers
This company has a lot of expertise in student attendance and using data to improve communications with families and parents. So, their blogs are a valuable resource, particularly when your school struggles with attendance issues.

#6 FinalSite Blog
Target audience: school website managers and school administrators
FinalSite is a website provider with extensive expertise supporting international and private schools. Because of the particular importance of marketing and communication to these schools, FinalSite has many helpful blog topics for schools competing for student enrollment and rely on effective marketing strategies. And what school couldn’t benefit from improved marketing and increased enrollment?

#7 The School Communications Agency
Target audience: school communications and PR managers
This company creates free, high-quality, mobile-friendly newsletters for schools that engage and inform parents, reduce administrative workload, and even generate discretionary funds. Their blogs also share informative and interesting articles on topics that can improve communications with parents, students, and community members.
#8 eLearning Industry
Target audience: school educators and curriculum administrators

At the eLearning Industry blog, you can find a wealth of online resources about eLearning, including articles, essays, introductions to complex concepts, software, and more.
eLearning Industry is the largest online community of eLearning experts and educators. Here, you can feel free to share your knowledge and exchange information with other eLearning professionals.
#9 WeAreTeachers
Target audience: school educators

WeAreTeachers is another online community for teachers and educators who are dedicated to providing better conditions for education and learning.
This blog follows a clear mission to promote education through close collaboration with fellow educators and integrating innovative tools and resources into the classroom setting.
WeAreTeachers is also a perfect place to find stories, crafts, activities, lessons, and classroom ideas for teachers all around the world in elementary school, middle school, and high school.
#10 Edutopia
Target audience: school educators

Edutopia is a website published by the George Lucas Educational Foundation that offers information, inspiration, and practical strategies for learning and teaching in pre-K–12 education.
Since 1991, Edutopia has continuously produced content to improve learning conditions and engage students to collaborate with researchers and innovative educators to develop their skills through project-based learning.
#11 Classroom 2.0
Target audience: school educators

Classroom 2.0 is a free, community-supported network that brings social media and Web 2.0 into the classroom. The purpose of this platform is to create a safe environment for everyone who aspires to enhance education and learning.
Teachers and educators can explore various methods and strategies on this platform and integrate them into their curricula. You can join different topic-based groups, attend online meetings, and use educational videos to enhance student engagement.
#12 Edudemic
Target audience: school educators and technology staff

Edudemic is one of the best education blogs about technology. The website was created in 2010 and has grown into one of the most popular destinations for learning about teaching methods and using technology in schools and classrooms.
All the recommended strategies are based on extensive evidence and professional research. Edudemic also offers a wealth of expert guides and how-tos, as well as updates on the newest education apps, tools, and products. The website content is entirely free and doesn’t require a subscription.
#13 TeacherTube
Target audience: school educators

TeacherTube is an online platform for teachers to share videos of instructional learning methods and practices. No matter where you are or what grade you teach, you always have something to learn from your peers and something to share with them in a constructive conversation.
TeacherTube provides numerous educational photos, videos, and audio recordings to include in your lesson plan and curriculum. In a nutshell, TeacherTube is a community of teachers dedicated to enhancing education.
#14 Educational Technology
Target audience: school educators

The Educational Technology blog focuses on technological innovations, apps, software, and tools educators can use in the classroom to make learning more engaging and fun.
More importantly, this blog offers great strategies and tactics to integrate these tools into your program without disrupting your usual routine.
Here, you will find exceptional resources for teaching math and designing lesson plans, as well as interactive educational games and apps to help you perform better in your class.
#15 Homeroom
Target audience: school educators

Homeroom is the official online blog of the U.S. Department of Education. The main purpose of creating this blog was to encourage teachers, school managers, parents, and students to engage in critical issues around education in the United States.
But this blog also offers an interactive platform to comment and suggest ideas and feedback on various topics, including international studies, transparency, public health, social justice, and more.
This blog is a great resource for anyone interested in fostering a more productive educational setting and being informed of current events. Teachers and educators can also learn and lend insights and experiences via discussion with their fellow teachers.
#16 ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development)
Target audience: school educators

The ASCD blog is an educational, evidence-based content platform hosting over 500 blogs and 16,000 articles on education methods, leadership strategies, SEL, school identity, professional instruction practices, and many other education-related topics.
#17 BetterLesson
Target audience: school educators

BetterLesson is an excellent resource for all teachers and education leaders looking for best practices and professional learning solutions. BetterLesson provides plentiful, vetted, and well-organized resources to engage with students more effectively.
Whether you’re looking for class ideas, lesson plans, teaching strategies, or coaching resources, you will find a few relevant and useful resources here.
#18 Cool Cat Teacher
Target audience: school educators

Cool Cat Teacher Blog is run by a well-known educator and author Vicki Davis, who is dedicated to enhancing the education process for teachers. The blog provides insightful and practical information for the teaching and learning process and extensive resources on various topics like digital portfolios, screen-casting, and financial literacy.
Davis also hosts the 10-minute Teacher Podcast, interviewing awesome teachers and educators worldwide.
So, wrapping it all up…
Education blogs are among our greatest online resources to enhance education and improve our school communications and marketing strategies.
The list above showcases some of the best blog posts to inspire you to improve your own communication skills or enhance your staff’s teaching skills and confidence. These blogs will also be great examples for starting your own education blog, if you are so inclined.
Here at School Webmasters, we offer comprehensive school communications solutions, from web design to parent communications, messaging apps, and even virtual website management.
If you need help, get a quote or contact us (call 888.750.4556 and speak with Jim) and let us point you in the right direction.