So Much More Than a Website
At School Webmasters we don’t just create a website for you and leave you to fend for yourself. Keeping school websites updated and professional is a full-time job, and we’re here to help!
You are competing with many other schools these days, and parents are making decisions about where to send their children partly based on your website and the image it portrays. You must be able to put your best foot forward. Here are a few of the things we do at School Webmasters to ensure your website does just that.
What School Webmasters Does For You
Written Content
- We review and edit every update you send for accuracy in punctuation, grammar, and style.
- We use the Chicago Manual of Style to ensure accuracy and consistency throughout the website and across all websites within your district.
- We organize and maintain your staff pages to include names, email addresses, phone numbers, positions, staff photos, etc.
- If we receive a request to update a staff member on one page, we update that staff member in every location throughout the website.
- If we receive a request to write a news article about an event, we also add that event to the calendar and make sure the news article is removed from the site once it has passed.
- Often school personnel have an idea about implementing something on their website but are unsure of the best way to lay out the content on a page or promote it on the site. Our experienced updaters know how to maintain the website’s professional feel while accomplishing our clients’ goals. This leaves the site feeling uniform and seamless in its flow between pages. As a result, site viewers can navigate with efficiency and quickly find the information they need.
- Our designers are artists. The artistry of SW websites is what makes them work. We know what look feels modern, what colors and fonts work together, and what combination of colors and fonts will create an ADA compliant website.
- We complete updates and add pages with appropriate graphic images for the content.
- We use only legal graphic images, keeping you safe from lawsuits that often occur because of copyright infractions. Images pulled from Google Images will almost guarantee you will receive a hefty fine for copyright infringement.
- To help with 508/ADA compliance, we add alt text to all graphics and use color with appropriate contrasting values as well as correct font size and weight text for the visually impaired.
- We use the latest versions of Photoshop to create high resolution graphics sized appropriately for the web.
- We edit and resize the photos you send us.
Quality Checks
- We do regular (at least bi-monthly) quality checks on your website.
- We check all links to ensure they are functioning properly.
- We check spelling and grammar.
- We make sure posted files, such as board agenda, menus, newsletters, handbooks, etc. are up to date and old versions are removed.
- We make regular visual checks to ensure the best use of the space on the page, making sure every page is easy to read so site visitors can find information quickly and efficiently.
Custom Features
We provide custom graphics, custom buttons, custom css, and html 5 coding specific to your website design, which is not available in a cms system.
We can add meta data to any particular page.
We can track page use through Google Analytics.
We can embed videos.
We offer responsive sites for all device and computer sizes.
That’s Not All
- Our staff is trained in ADA compliance and will update your website according to Section 508 and WCAG 2.0 guidelines.
- We offer website and document compliance training (free to our current clients, $249/year for non-clients).
- We send monthly reminders to help ensure that the designated individuals within your district office and schools send information to keep your website up to date.
- We offer online support and help.
- We offer print, social media management, and public relations services.