Website Accessibility Training
If your school is either going through an investigation by the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR), has been investigated, or just wants to be proactive and get into compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, School Webmasters offers online staff training to help you meet OCR standards.
The following are some of the recommendations typically made by the OCR, in addition to correcting any website compliance deficiencies your school website might have:
- Provide website accessibility training to all appropriate personnel who are responsible for developing, loading, maintaining, or auditing web content and functionality.
- If your school is being audited or investigated, you are also required to provide documentation that training has been delivered, along with a list of attendees and the training they have received.
Your school or district can purchase* an annual subscription to our written and video training, covering topics like “understanding website accessibility” and how to create accessibly compliant documents in Word, Excel, Publisher, PowerPoint, Google Docs, InDesign, Adobe Pro (PDFs), and video captioning.
*Training is free for School Webmasters’ website management clients.
Website Accessibility Training Features:
A few of the features included in the accessibility training include:
- Website accessibility training on the basics of what website accessibility is, who benefits, why it is important, and how assistive technologies are used by those with disabilities
- Individual training for creating accessible documents in programs like Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Docs, Google Stationery, Adobe Acrobat, and Adobe InDesign
- Training for creating video captions for YouTube videos
- Handy, downloadable checklists for your staff members to reference as they create new documents
- Ability to run tracking reports for school administrators to document training for all staff. This allows schools to comply with OCR corrective action plans, when needed.
We offer this service free of charge to all School Webmasters clients. Non-client schools are welcome to access this training as well. View our package options, and select the best package for your school or organization. The training can be utilized by as many people within your district as necessary.
To sign-up for access, just complete the ADA Training Access form below.