School Webmasters Blog
An Argument For Pinterest’s Place in Your School Social Media
Pinterest has a reputation as a platform women use to plan their next home renovation and learn to make mason jar salads. But hang in here with us for a minute or two as we make an argument for why your school should add Pinterest to your social media platforms.
How to Use Senior Quotes on Your School Website
All school districts are looking for ways to make their school websites more relevant. They are designed to be the go-to resource for parents and community members as well as to serve as the primary marketing tool for your school.
So, let’s discuss some fun and unusual ways to increase your website traffic while improving the effectiveness of your school communication and possibly your school enrollment.
Use and Misuse of School Announcements on Your School Website
In education, communication between home and school has always been a challenge. But one of the benefits of modern technology is its ability to connect people with ideas and information regardless of time or distance. That’s the purpose of your school website and why each section of that site should be optimized, including your use of school announcements.
How to Create an Effective Age-Specific School Website and Why It Matters
Designing an effective school website for your target audience, parents and students, can be confusing and even stressful. So, let’s explore some of the points one should consider in order to find the information that will lead to the website that parents and students will visit often.
13 Ways to Create an Effective School Website from a Parent’s Perspective
You know what makes your school great. You know your school’s struggles. You know what you want your parents and prospective parents to know. But are you sure you know what they want and they need from your school website?
What Every Administrator Should Know about School Marketing
Parents have myriad choices today about where their children should go to school, and income or location are not the only deciding factors. School marketing, done right, is a multi-prong approach, and putting together a comprehensive marketing strategy is necessary.
Using Online School Calendars to Promote Your School
Your school calendar can be the most valuable tool to connect with parents, so give your school calendars the attention they warrant.
How to write a caption
It is important to remember that photo captions are the most read text in a publication (only headlines have a higher readership than captions). So, when we want our readers to be engaged and informed, our use of captions matters.
How to write website headlines your readers will love
Your school website’s purpose is to inform existing parents and to attract prospective parents. You can’t do that without attracting readers, which means writing a compelling headline that will grab the attention of those desired readers.
Why You Don’t Just Need an App for That
Before considering an app, take a look at your website. Since your website is your face to the public (an app is only available to existing parents), your efforts here should be your highest priority. Beware the slick sales pitch and take a look at your website before jumping into the app jungle.