Countries like the U.S. are home to many communities with diverse cultures and languages. Every year families from all over the world move to the U.S. to start a better life, which means there are more and more students in schools whose native language is not English....
The school website is one of the first contact points between schools, parents, students, and teachers. The homepage is the front door to a school website; it draws a large share of traffic. After all, it’s only logical because it is the face of the school, but...
Like all businesses, schools use their websites to promote their brand and attract top talent. That’s why website management has become such a popular approach among schools to drive traffic to their websites. However, delivering good traffic (eager parents) to a...
Your school website is your best enrollment and recruitment tool. Even if you normally rely on neighborhood or local students and staff hires, an effective website using strategic content can set your school or district apart from your other competitors. However, the...
Educational websites for students and parents A seemingly infinite number of websites are available for learning. Teachers know how difficult it is to find online materials that pique students’ interests and improve their skills. Plus, the best websites have...