A school that offers vocational education and training for careers with specific and often quite lucrative skillsets can use its school website to tremendous advantage. While traditional high schools, colleges, and universities offer the necessary prerequisites...
As a baby boomer, I see the world differently than my children and grandchildren, especially regarding the importance of cell phone usage. When I was a kid, we played outside, walked to school, visited friends, and attended school activities without constant contact...
In the digital age, a school’s website is more than just a virtual brochure—it’s a dynamic hub of information, school communication, and community engagement. Keeping a school website updated is not merely a matter of aesthetics or professionalism; it has...
Okay, so this blog post isn’t targeting school administrators, my typical target audience. However, I thought the topic was so interesting that maybe schools could find ways to incorporate this kind of information into their websites. For example, it might make an...
If your school is a trade school or vocational ed tech school, this is an excellent time to be one. Now more than ever, parents and students are considering alternatives to academic colleges and degrees. This change in attitude has multiple factors, including: the...