Recently, my daughter’s second-grade class participated in a project where the class observed the life stages of the butterfly. She eagerly shared her experience with our family on a regular basis. I’m grateful for teachers who take time to take education up a notch...
Doing well in school, more often than not, doesn’t come easy. Most times, it requires an added measure and even sometimes an enormous amount of effort. Week to week, students in your school or district attend class, participate in discussions, work on homework, and...
One of my family’s favorite magnets ever to grace our refrigerator was a large cartoon pickle with a conversation bubble saying, “You’re a big, flippin’ dill!” I love a good pun. Sure, it might be easy to overlook and underestimate the power of this simple...
Is this a plug to only hire School Webmasters for all your website and document accessibility needs? Yes, it is. But it’s more than that. It may even be a bit of a rant. We care too much about our clients and the world of digital accessibility to keep quiet about how...
As administrators, teachers, and staff, it’s important to work together efficiently towards the same goal. Tools such as Google Docs offer convenient collaboration options. There is a good chance your school is already using Google Docs or a similar tool for...