ustomer: someone who receives or consumes goods or services and has the ability to choose between different products and suppliers. This word customer may not always come to your mind when you think of the valuable work you do at your school each...
Wouldn’t it be strange to attend a school sporting event only to see the principal as the only player representing the school? Picture the scene: he or she didn’t have time to change before the event, so he’s/she’s still wearing business attire and carrying a laptop...
You are in need of an accessibility audit. Now what? You have two options: hire a seasoned auditor who is fully trained in accessibility (us) or DIY (Do It Yourself). To help you decide which option is best for you, consider these questions: Do I understand and know...
One major challenge every school office faces is the expectation to provide a variety of services to many different people. A school office is a high-traffic area for parents, students, and staff coming in to see counselors, principals, nurses, other students, etc. As...
Telling deeply satisfying, meaningful stories isn’t just a tool or device to use once in a while; it’s an essential strategy in communication and in marketing your school. If you want to build trust, enthusiasm, and loyalty that is ingrained with your school’s brand,...