Let’s discuss where schools typically choose to spend budgeted website funds. There are basically three choices when it comes to the school funds spent on their websites. Pay staff to develop and manage a free or open-source CMS platform. Use a pre-developed...
Charles Dickens wrote, “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” At this time of the year, we often look for ways to lighten the burdens of those around us. Have you ever thought about giving the gift of accessibility? Think of it as...
We’ve all worked in places where the culture was memorable. Possibly it was memorable because you worked in a toxic environment where stress, mistrust, and playing CYA were the daily norms. But, I hope you’ve at least had a few experiences where the culture was one in...
As school marketers, we sometimes become distracted by all the wonderful tools we have at our disposal—the website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and whatever the next new social media trend will be—that we sometimes don’t give one of the most efficient tools in our...
Do you spend your spare time at the beach surfing the waves until the sun sets? Maybe you prefer to watch the surfers as you enjoy basking in the sun. Maybe the beach isn’t your “thing” and after a hard days work, you prefer to channel-surf to clear your mind. We all...