Does Your School Website Help You Become a School of Choice?

School choice and the many possible options available to K12 education have created an environment of competition that was nonexistent even a decade ago. As incoming parents, the Millennial (1981-1998) and Centennial (1998-2014) generations will demand even greater...

How to Have an ADA Compliant School Website

Making sure your school websites meets ADA compliance requirements is now a necessity—not just because the laws for this are now being enforced but because it is important that you eliminate any barriers to access to your school website and the information you...

What Grade Does Your Public School Website Get?

If your school website were to get a grade, how would it fare? Does it come out on top in the various subject areas like communications, customer service, marketing, branding, telling your school’s stories, or highlighting your successes? Find out how to bring up...