School Webmasters Blog
Collecting Testimonials—a School Marketing Success Story
What better way to show other parents what a great school you have than to let them hear it from other parents? Hearing (or reading) a testimonial from someone who has nothing to gain other than from a school employee with a vested interest always adds more credibility.
10 Brain Training Tips—rewiring for an attitude of gratitude
It’s been a tough year. We can all agree on that. So, it’s probably time to look at what we can do to turn things around. We can’t control the world around us, pandemics, weather, or most economic conditions, but we do have some control over our perspective on our world and our lives. Gratitude is just such a control mechanism.
Communication! It’s All About Customer Service
Communication is the bedrock of customer service. Good customer service requires effective communications, and that requires listening to your customers’ needs as well as communicating your own.
4 School Communication Goals for the New YearNew Year, Improved School Communication Strategy
With 2020 now behind us (thank goodness), it is time to address some of the issues left in its wake. For one thing, many schools have seen decreased enrollments, and since your sustainability is based on enrollment, it’s an issue you have to take seriously.
Enhancing Online Learning by Elevating Virtual Connections
Looking for ways to enhance the online learning in your classrooms? Check out these tips!
Home Page Makeover—The Power of An Effective School Website
Your school website is your face to the public. It’s your chance to create a favorable first impression. Here are some tips about how to do it right!
Does Your School Website Need an FAQ Page?
Does your school website need a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page? The short answer is yes. But let’s consider the reasons to include it and talk about how to create an effective FAQ page.
Keeping it PositiveHow you say it matters, especially in your website content.
Your school website content matters, especially how you say it. Get some tips for keeping it positive!
5 Tips to Upgrade Your School’s Image
Let’s look at a few areas that contribute to a positive first impression, each of which we have considerable control over.
How to Minimize StressBe considerate of your website visitors through your writing style
If we can be a part of helping others to feel less stress, why wouldn’t we? Your school website content can help!