The aroma of fresh-baked, homemade bread wafting through my home, which is also my home office, is one of my favorite things. Oh, not just any bread, but freshly ground wheat (or some other luscious, whole grain), which I grind right before baking. After four...
Many schools across the U.S. are experiencing the hard-hitting reality of declining K–12 enrollment. These declines are triggered by falling birth rates (only two states in the U.S. have birth rates above replacement levels), lots of school choice options,...
In your school, are personal devices such as smartphones and personal laptops promoting or hindering the educational environment? In February 2018, the Education Week Research Center surveyed 500 school leaders. One alarming statistic surfaced from the...
These days, there is a wide variety of ways and means for educators to reach their target audience—students and their families. From emails to school websites and group texts to school social media platforms and apps, the options are nearly endless. So, how do you and...
While working as an educational assistant, I helped a fourth-grade student struggling with math. As we worked on problems, sometimes this student complained, “Why did they have to change math?!” I could picture an adult in his life griping in a similar way while...
We often receive questions from our clients about the links they provide to websites other than their own. Are you responsible for the accessibility of the websites you link to? For example, do you link to a website providing information about your athletics program?...