In December 2018, I posted an article about giving the gift of accessibility. However, there is one small detailed I failed to mention. Creating accessibility is hard. It takes time and training that most document and website authors did not plan for. If you are in...
With the current state of public mistrust in the media, and journalism in general, the words “public relations” often don’t inspire feelings of confidence today. But let’s look a bit deeper at the real intention of this thing we all call PR and find out what it is and...
Every year the number of families that have a choice about where their child attends school increases. Not only are public school districts offering parents more choices at their existing schools, but there are more alternative choices as well. There are options like...
In the previous blog, we talked about taking risks to bring about significant change at your schools. We looked at some famous academic risk-takers and discovered they could all garner the buy-in of their key audiences. In order to succeed with risk, you need to...
We create a lot of school social media pages from scratch. Sometimes schools come to us with an existing social media presence, and we just help them update things like graphics and page settings to get those profiles up and running again. That’s always fun for us...
It’s not easy to be a risk-taker. After all, “risk” involves the possibility that something unpleasant or unwelcome may happen. But risk also includes the possibility of something wonderful or amazing happening. This is why, historically, risk-takers are in a tight...