One major challenge every school office faces is the expectation to provide a variety of services to many different people. A school office is a high-traffic area for parents, students, and staff coming in to see counselors, principals, nurses, other students, etc. As...
Telling deeply satisfying, meaningful stories isn’t just a tool or device to use once in a while; it’s an essential strategy in communication and in marketing your school. If you want to build trust, enthusiasm, and loyalty that is ingrained with your school’s brand,...
Do you ever feel like your school public relations plan is missing something? Take a look at your school-parent community partnership. How often do your students’ families come to your school? Do they have reasons to look forward to their time on your campus? ...
We’ve covered the first five steps to school inbound marketing in Part 1, so now you’ve come to the real “rubber meets the road” steps. If you missed Part 1, please review that first, and then jump right into the next steps below. Step #6: Develop your plan You...
Marketing has changed radically in the past decade. Whole industries are either gone or dying primarily because of the changes brought about by the ubiquitous presence of the Internet. Another change-causing factor is that “interrupter” advertising that rules our...
Recently I met our 8-year-old daughter’s teacher for the typical parent-teacher conference. My daughter enjoys this teacher and her class. As the teacher shared insights into my daughter’s school performance, I appreciated her pleasant and professional approach. What...