Where is the first place someone will look for information about your school? There is a good chance they will pick up their phone and not call, but head straight to your website to find what they need. This means it’s your job (unless you are one of our clients, in...
To be an effective educator, you must be a good communicator. To be a good communicator, you must break your messages down into their simplest form and change the way you talk about programs and educational systems. Let’s commit to replacing jargon with more relatable...
Hockey has been my favorite sport since I turned eleven years old. Unfortunately, it’s not terribly popular here in my desert state of Arizona. So, if I start talking about breakaways, five-holes, slapshots, and dropping the gloves to the uninitiated, eyes glaze over,...
Every week it comes—a plethora of papers and school communications from my children’s schools. They come home via colorful backpacks, fabulous apps, and informative e-mails. My personal favorite delivery method is the reminder pinned to my child’s sleeve! As a...
Let’s discuss where schools typically choose to spend budgeted website funds. There are basically three choices when it comes to the school funds spent on their websites. Pay staff to develop and manage a free or open-source CMS platform. Use a pre-developed...
Charles Dickens wrote, “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” At this time of the year, we often look for ways to lighten the burdens of those around us. Have you ever thought about giving the gift of accessibility? Think of it as...