Beginning July 1, 2019, California law requires state agencies and entities to post a certificate of accessibility on the home page of their websites. California’s Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 434 into law on October 14, 2017. If you...
This is a question every school leader should ask. Is ours considered one of the best school websites? A school’s website is one of the most effective tools a school has to improve communication, engage parents, market its strengths, and build a solid, trusting...
At School Webmasters, we feel strongly that schools should share the extraordinary things happening on their campuses with their communities. Effective school communications make that possible. A while back, our CEO, Bonnie Leedy, was invited to be a guest...
Social media is a great communication tool for schools. In fact, your school’s social media should be a key component of your school marketing campaign. If you’re not on board with social media yet, it’s high-time you get there. A strategic communications...
I’m sure you’ve heard the old adage, “No news is good news.” The fact is, no news isn’t good news; it’s just bad public relations. The good news for us is you’ve most likely heard of public relations or “PR” before. The bad news is you might negatively associate...
Trust—all across our country—is perceived as wounded and limping. Whether within corporations, the government, or our schools, many feel the damage is irreparable. We disagree, and you should as well. You have the ability to rebuild trust in your circle of influence...