My parents recently began a kitchen remodel. There are essentially two types of people when it comes to home renovations—those who do it themselves and those who would rather hire someone to do it for them. Once upon a time, my dad undertook a home-plumbing...
Have you ever found yourself imitating the sayings or mannerisms of people with whom you spend a lot of time? I lived with my grandma for a year while working on my master’s degree, and one of her favorite expressions is “oofta!” That interjection of dismay, concern,...
Nationwide, schools in the United States have a public relations problem. It would seem they could fix these problems with some well-managed strategic communications and marketing efforts, right? But, the problem goes deeper than that. It isn’t even entirely a...
In an Indian fable, The Blind Men and the Elephant, six blind men offer their definition of an elephant based on limited parts of the large animal. Each blind man defines the elephant much differently. To the man touching the broad side—the elephant is like a...
With all the talk in the past few years about ADA website compliance for schools, the focus has been on public school websites. Public school websites must comply with Section 508 as they receive federal funds. But what about those independent and private...
Whether you’re managing school marketing for a public or private school, chances are you would like to grow your enrollment. After all, more students mean more opportunities to positively impact the community. And, let’s not forget, higher enrollment numbers give your...