I recently spoke with the communications coordinator at one of our wonderful public school districts on the East Coast. She mentioned that, in her busy district, the district leaders seem to have four main concerns throughout the year: starting in August, the district...
Back-to-school jitters aren’t just for students and teachers; administrators certainly get their share of the stress that comes along with that first day. Your to-do list may seem a mile long, but a successful opening day really just boils down to a few key points....
How would a first-time visitor to your school describe its atmosphere? Is it warm and inviting? Or is it cold and unwelcoming? From the grounds, signage, and parking lot to the front office and the website, your school atmosphere is evident. Is it the message you want...
While a school website redesign can feel like a Herculean task, not worth the time or the money, keep in mind that your website is your most important marketing and communications tool. It will have the highest return on investment of any of your marketing...
Have you ever walked into a crowded room where a hundred little conversations are taking place all at once? It sounds a little like a beehive buzzing, doesn’t it? In school communications we don’t throw the term “marketing buzz” around much—although maybe we...
It’s summer. Are you enjoying the quiet hallways, catching up on paperwork, and working on your summer maintenance? Taking time off for some outdoor adventures on your bucket list? I recently hiked to Havasupai in Northern Arizona with my family. We were short...