When looking for a new school website hosting provider, there are some areas to consider before making your selection. In addition to the obvious areas like the specific needs of a website design for schools, service provider reputation, services provided, and...
Who could forget Seinfeld’s 1995 version of “the Soup Nazi”? He served the best soup on the planet. So good that his customers had to follow his ordering procedure (step into the store, move to the right side, proceed directly to the counter, order without comment,...
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and means that you put some strategy and techniques into your school website management to get free online traffic from unpaid (organic) results. It is how major search engines, like Google and Bing, show the top rankings....
Quality Control. What, exactly, is it? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as “an aggregate of activities (such as design analysis and inspection for defects) designed to ensure adequate quality.” But, what does it mean with regard to your school website...
In the field of education, we often don’t think of ourselves as service providers. We just don’t relate what we are doing in education as being about customer service. Yet, we do have customers (students, parents, community members, other staff members)...
In July 2016 the New York Times reported on the progress of struggling local schools. This is how they described the situation faced by schools throughout the area: “At one troubled Brooklyn high school, the principal stepped down this month—after clashing...