Making sure your school websites meets ADA compliance requirements is now a necessity—not just because the laws for this are now being enforced but because it is important that you eliminate any barriers to access to your school website and the information you...
First, let’s talk about what a school webmaster looks like today and how it came to be that way. What it was (and often still is) In a majority of schools, the school webmaster coordinates the design of the website with a website service provider but seldom does...
Let’s eat grandpa. Let’s eat, Grandpa. This is one of my favorite examples of how punctuation can drastically affect the meaning of a sentence. An errant or missing comma has the potential to completely change its meaning. Its misuse as well as...
If your school website were to get a grade, how would it fare? Does it come out on top in the various subject areas like communications, customer service, marketing, branding, telling your school’s stories, or highlighting your successes? Find out how to bring up...
You’ve tried everything—pictures, video, funny memes, poignant quotes, carefully planned-out social media campaigns, calls to action, links to thought-provoking articles from education organizations and experts in your field, even shameless begging—and still,...
If you are one of the tens of thousands of schools concerned about meeting the newly adopted website accessibility deadline of January 18, 2018, we can help. In Website Accessibility Part I, we covered the Do It Yourself options for gaining ADA website...