Your school’s website accessibility is coming under fire. In addition to a flurry of complaints being filed against schools across the U.S., Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act recently published updated accessibility requirements on January 18,...
Doing more with less is a beautiful concept. It allows you to simplify processes, be more productive, and use resources most effectively. For schools especially, the notion of doing more with less should be particularly appealing given stretched budgets, sparse staff,...
“The very things that held ya down are gonna to carry you up and up and up.” These profound words were said to Dumbo by Timothy Q. Mouse when he was encouraging him to fly. They may also apply to the possible changes with the popularity of School Choice being...
Now that you are headed into the second half of the school year, it’s a good time to refocus on how to best reach and engage parents in the new year. We recommend five new year resolutions to help bring your communication goals up to speed. If you can’t do all...
Is it just me or do new year resolutions have a bad rap? I understand why of course. New habits are hard to set, old habits are hard to change, and most new year resolutions go unfulfilled. It’s unfortunate, especially since I love the idea of setting goals and...
Think of website compliance as the HOA of the Internet. While you sort of hate having someone telling you what you can or cannot do at your own home, you appreciate the fact that you won’t have the Griswold’s cousin Eddie’s RV blocking your driveway all winter. Let’s...