10 Ways to Improve Your School Website

School websites are a vital necessity. But they are not a one-and-done event that you can take live and then not touch but once a year. It is a project that is well worth your time and planning. School website content management alone, done right, can save your school...

Competitor Website Analysis

How it can help your school's website

Like all industries, running a successful school depends heavily on knowing the competitors in the field and their strategies. Nowadays, the internet and school websites, in particular, are major contact points where schools showcase their quality.  Therefore,...

Communication Apps for Schools: What Are They?

Communication apps today are as prevalent as smartphones. School administrators, teachers, students, and parents rely on these communication tools to create groups and establish a more connected environment both online and offline. During the COVID-19 pandemic,...

What are web design best practices for a school website?

Here at School Webmasters, we work for various school website providers. We are often hired to help schools that have switched vendors or are getting a redesign to migrate their old website onto a new design or platform. This is an often overlooked but critical role...

Top High School Blogs: Success Elements They Have in Common

Every successful school tries to live up to its high standards. These high standards may translate into different things, but creating a well-designed and structured school website and a school blog are among the most popular school marketing practices. High school...