What Makes the Best School Websites Work?

The critical goals of any school website are to: #1. Engage and inform your existing students, their parents, and your staff  #2. Market your strengths and successes to potential students and staff To achieve these goals, your school’s website must be...

Use and Misuse of School Announcements on Your School Website

Every school in America depends on school announcements to communicate with its teachers, parents, and students. Many schools disperse these important messages using daily reminders broadcast to the whole school via a P.A. system or weekly printed reports sent home in...

Using Online School Calendars to Promote Your School

We all live by our calendars these days. That includes the parents of your students. So, what can you do to make these parents’ lives easier and keep them involved with their child’s education at the same time? Yep, you guessed it. Create and manage an...