Are Parents Using Your School Website?

Your school website is your public face. It’s how you introduce yourself to prospective families and how you communicate with families who already entrust you with their children every school day. With that in mind, you want your website to serve the needs of both...

School Website Management: It May Be Time to Get Some Help!

If you are like many of the school administrators we speak with, you know your website is a critical tool in your communications toolbox. But, most schools don’t have staff on hand to manage communications and public relations. They simply can’t afford it. So, how do...

It Might Be Time to Update Your School Website If…

Ah, technology. Do you have a love/hate relationship with it? It seems as soon as you update your cell phone, TV, or even microwave, there’s a newer, better model right around the corner. Having the latest technology with all the bells and whistles has become not only...

School Websites: Leader, Lemming, or Loser?

There are always leaders and lemmings in the world. Of course, you want your school website to be viewed as an asset and representative of your outstanding educational services. But often, unbeknownst to many respected educators, their school websites are lemmings, or...

Collecting Testimonials—a School Marketing Success Story

In today’s social climate, people are all about sharing how they feel about companies, products, and services. In fact, folks are more inclined to trust another person’s opinion or experience over traditional advertising or marketing materials. That’s not to say...