5 Tips to Upgrade Your School’s Image

With so many issues to worry about when managing a school, foremost of which is educating students, worrying about your school’s first impression might seem like a rather petty problem. However, first impressions are critical because people tend to become attached to...

Share Your Photos!

And keep your school website accessible

The images you share on your school website and your school social media make a huge difference. There’s an old Chinese adage that says, “When I hear, I forget. When I see, I remember.” Typically the saying refers to learning something—in this case, I want you to...

Is Your School Website Hard to Keep Current?

Have you ever seen one of those plate-spinning acts? The performer runs around on stage placing plates on top of long sticks and setting them spinning. They often run back and forth doing other things too like flipping cups and spoons, adding more plates, all the...